Wednesday 10 May 2017

Tachyons and a Teacup ( kannahamaru special guest episode)

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"Where are we?" I asked.
"High orbit, around Neptune" the weird guy who looked like a punk answered.
"Why are we here?" asked I, seeing that Rocky and Kannahamaru were both passed out on the floor. "Or more importantly, how are we here?"
"I brought you here."
"Why would you bring us into a high orbit around Neptune?" said Kannahamaru, waking up. "A low orbit would have been better."
“Is this guy for real?” looked back the guy who brought us here. “You’re supposed to be smart, what does it matter if the orbit is low? You have no idea why we’re here.”
“Time travel.” smiled Kannahamaru.
“And I know who you are. So, if you want to take my teacup, I don’t have it with me now”
“We didn’t have another satellite at this point in time,” said the new guy. “And I’m sorry sir. I had no idea you had figured it out.”
“When you began talking, I thought I’d let my friend do the talking,” said Kannahamaru. “People open up to the oblivious more freely. I wasn’t knocked out. I saw how your tech worked. It gave me the final pieces. This is Neptune’s orbit in the future, right? Twenty years?”
“Tachyon velocity vectors, it’s gonna make your pathetic head hurt.”
“I took the cup.”
“You did? And are you sure he needs it? I love my cup. I don’t even drink tea in it.”
“He needs it.”
I had no idea what these people were talking about. It was like they had some other worldly variety of… something. All this would add up to stuff in the future, and past. But even the guy from the future had no idea what would happen. It’s complicated.
“Why is Rocky here?”
“There are things you don’t know either.”
“Nobody knows things from the future.”
“He’s here to make the parachute.”
“What parachute?”
“This parachute.” Said Rocky. He had a contraption with a lot of metal and scraping and stuff, it looked like a gas balloon with a bucket.
“How did you make the parachute for the payload so fast?” asked the future guy.
“Experience.” Rocky nonchalantly replied.
“But, you study biology.” Kannahamaru was slightly annoyed.
“You are not the only idiot who’s fallen in love in the history of stupidity, moron.” Said Rocky. Still nonchalant.
“You can ask him for that story later.” Said the future guy.
“This will probably be stuck in the high atmosphere.” Said Kannahamaru.
“Yes, that’s the plan.”
“I knew that.”
Kannahamaru hugged his cup, in the bucket of the parachute, and shed a tear. Then the three of them dropped the thing.
As the parachute descended, the guy snapped his fingers. After a short flash of lights, the three of us were on our roof. .
“Why was I there?” I asked.
“To narrate the story, we both have other stuff to do.” Said Kannahamaru. “I have to go and solve the equation. Or write it down in terms others can understand.”
Kannahamaru climbed down the stairs when I looked at Rocky.
“That parachute…”
“Another day.”

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